Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Not Our Fault"

On the news tonight, a GM Canada worker was interviewed after the vote regarding the new contract offer that will lower their perks a bit.  A few people interviewed sounded understandably peeved, but were realistic.  Then there was the chick who said "It's absolutely not our fault that there's this economic downturn, but we're having to pay the price."  Uh, whatnow?
She works for a company that is hemorrhaging money because no one buys it's product, but she thinks not only that the government should bail out her company, but that she shouldn't have to make any sacrifices.  
I've said it before and I'll say it again:  If the very large company I work for loses all it's money, it will close and I will be unemployed.  Same thing should apply to every other company.

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