Saturday, November 29, 2008

Stand Back, I Have A Glue Gun!!

The early 90s were fun, weren't they?  Well, they were for me, but I wasn't paying a mortgage, or even rent, back then.  I know that the lousy economy at the time is what helped elect Bill Clinton in the US, and that certain trends always seem to accompany lean economic times. Nesting, cocooning, or whatever the currently fashionable term might be, comes back in style when we all pretend that the thing that got us to the point of worldwide financial meltdown was the fact that we go out to dinner on occasion.

Whatever, I have decided to wholly embrace this "recession"  (it isn't real if you use quotation marks, right?) by digging out old Martha Stewart Living magazines and getting insanely crafty. I will be baking a lot, but that's not unusual for me at Christmas, but this year marks a return to home made ornaments, decorations, gift wrap, and whatever other silly things my friends and I come up with. 
I'm off to Michael's Craft Store to buy some provisions, and will update once some of the disastrous but fun results are in.  It's a Good Thing!

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