Monday, December 8, 2008


I love snow this time of year.  And only this time of year.  From now until Christmas, I'm all for a light dusting of snow every few days.  After all, I am a born and bred cold-weather Canadian, so I know how to walk like a duck to keep from falling in snow.  This year, I thought I was being extra clever by getting a pair of new boots, both warm and functional.  I thought...

Yes, I got myself some shearling boots called Emus.  Uggs are too damned expensive, and I really was going for practicality more than style (if I had wanted to look like a fashion victim, I'd have bought a pair of Uggs 5 years ago and worn them in the summer).  That being said, these boots were a big mistake!  Ok, they are warm, and the inside is soft, but the treads on the soles are useless.  I know this because this morning I slid off the sidewalk at the corner of Jarvis and Carlton, did a sort of demented pirouette, and landed on my butt in a pile of filthy slush. I got to work wet, dirty, and more pissed off than usual, and I'm always pretty pissed off on Monday mornings. 

 Sartorially, as well, these are not the boots for me.  I look like I was built at the Muppet Workshop at FAO Schwarz .  I'm not that freaking old, but I think I am too old for these boots.  This was confirmed for me on the way home from work, when a 4 year old pointed at my feet and shrieked to her mother: "those are the boots I want!"

It's not enough that I look like a fool in these boots, I am also endangering my life.  My old boots are already at the Goodwill store, so tomorrow I have to go to the mall to drop more money and get some boots that will keep me from ending up underneath a streetcar on a slippery day.  That, or I can go to Goodwill and buy my old boots back for a Loonie.

1 comment:


    I can swear they are the best winter boots made (although it looks like you don't buy for function)
